Love That Covers…..

When love covers it causes the eyes to see through the heart
When love covers it penetrates your past and promotes your present
A love that covers will fly you into your future
And open your eyes to finally see who you were along

A love that covers is pure and persistent
A love that covers endures the hard times
And will celebrate with you in the good

A love that covers, comforts and creates an atmosphere of serenity
A love that covers, will shelter you in the storm
And push clouds out the way
So that you can live in the SUNshine and the SONship

A love that covers emulates the love that Christ expresses
A love that covers is unconditional and without boundaries
A love that covers is what God gives and should receive

When you have encountered a love that covers
Keep it, cherish it and embrace it
Show it and Share it

It is rare and unique
It is Godly
It is Love in the rarest form of friendship, relationship and Godship

A love that covers should cause you to bump into your future and dance with destiny……….

A love that covers
A love that covers
A love that covers